I am trying to parse a tab delimited file into an array.<BR>In vb you would use: <BR><BR>a = split(s,Chr(9))<BR><BR>where a is an array, s is a tab delimited string, and Chr(9) is the tab.<BR>In vb.net it is supposed to be something like this <BR><BR>a = s.split(new char [] {'???'})<BR><BR>I have tried numerous modifications of the above with no luck<BR>a = s.split(Chr(9))<BR>a = s.split(Char(9))<BR>a = s.split(new Char [] {Chr(9)}<BR>etc.<BR><BR>Where the ??? is a char.<BR><BR>I keep getting a value of type system.char cannot be converted to a 1-dimensional array of system.char<BR><BR>What do I need to do to parse the tab delimited file into an array?Use vbTab to indicate the tab character. Here is a simple example that works:<BR><BR> 'Each word in s is tab separated.<BR> Dim s as String = "This is a test"<BR> Dim a() as String<BR><BR> a = s.split(vbTab)<BR><BR> Dim tmp as String<BR> for each tmp in a<BR> response.write(tmp & "<BR>")<BR> nextI am still having a problem. The error states that vbTab is not declared.(Do I need to import another class?)<BR><BR>Below is the code I am using( I have removed some of the code to keep the post to a minimal size:<BR><BR>Imports System<BR>Imports System.Data<BR>Imports System.Data.ADO<BR>Imports System.Collections<BR>Imports System.IO<BR>Imports System.String<BR><BR>Namespace WSC<BR><BR> Public Class Inventory<BR><BR> Public Function PREdoDB(ByVal company As String,ByVal arrySize As Integer) As String<BR> '<BR> Dim s as string = "This is a test"<BR> PREdoDB = doUpdateLS(s)<BR> End Function<BR><BR> Private Function doUpdateLS(s As String) As String<BR> Dim a() As String<BR> a = s.split(vbTab)<BR> doUpdateLS = s<BR> End Function<BR><BR> End Class<BR><BR>End Namespace<BR>Add:<BR><BR>Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic<BR><BR>Does that do the trick?I tried adding the <BR>'Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic'<BR><BR>The same error occurs stating that vbTab is not defined.<BR><BR>We also tried installing visual studio.net on the web server with no luck either.<BR><BR>I am runing out of options and are very close to rollng my own split function. <BR><BR>If u can think of anymore suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.<BR>I figured out what the problem was. <BR>Instead of: dim a() as string<BR>it should have been: dim a as array<BR><BR>Thanks for the help<BR>