string manipulation with C#


New Member
what c# functions are ther to work with strings?<BR>Like the Left, Right and Mid functions in VBScript.<BR>ThanksBut I think you're gonna have to go out and get a book. I've seen a lot of your questions that probably could be easily answered with a book. It looks like you're a VBScript programmer getting thrown into C#. That means, you have the logic down, just not the syntax.<BR><BR>I'm in your boat as well... having to learn the syntax changes that they're porting from Java and C++... seems like there's no common ground (such as the Main function having a capital M... it's been screwing me up a lot lately).<BR><BR>I'm personally reading this book at the moment, and highly recommend it.<BR><BR><BR><BR>This explains the entire framework quite nicely. Though having a background in C++/Java is helpful. I would say this is for an intermediate PROGRAMMER (it assumes no prior knowledge of C#)<BR><BR>If too advanced, you may wanna get a beginner's book.<BR><BR>Good luck..Insert(6, "-")<BR>6 = Position<BR>"-" = characters you want to insert.