Stretching background with css


The site I have been working with, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> , uses css for all the backgrounds and such. The problem with this is if the resolution gets really high, like 1280, and text will run off the side, and when scrolled through, creates a mess. I dont want to repeat is, because then the text gets lost in the darker part of the background. Any help would be much appreciated.<!--content-->Maybe you could try getting rid of the right-aligned div and the table, and set a left-margin a bit wider than the dark border of the background?<br />
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In my browser (IE6.2, res 1024x768) the I get a horisontal scroll when I minimalise the window.<!--content-->Wouldnt that still run off the side of tha page??? I could add the margin on the left, like you said, but also add one on the right too. Would that work??<!--content-->It shouldn't run off - the window is supposed to contain the text and automatically make breaks in it when it hits the edge of the window.<br />
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You could of course set a righ-margin, too if the 'standard' feels too narrow or wide.<br />
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Oh, I just saw you have a fixed height size on the table (in the cell). Hm... could it be this that causes the problem...? Maybe you could first try and take away that?<br />
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EDIT: Ouch! I just noticed that the last item in the menu in the top frame doesn't show when I minimalise the window to ca. 800x600! :eek:<!--content-->Have you viewed it at 640 x 480 as well?<!--content-->:eek: :eek: :eek: <br />
Just did! There's not room for the stuff in the top frame at all on 640 x 480!!<!--content-->it has nothing to do with the text or the table, well the table but that is not that important. sure you can fix it so the text doesn't go over the dark part of the background, but that isn't your proplem. the graphic that is used for the background is tiling. you need to add this to your style sheet in the body<br />
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background-repeat: no-repeat;<br />
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or make the image as big as 1280<!--content-->