Stretch BG IMG to meet a frame's size?


I'm working on my very first page, so im getting snagged quite often. This time i thought I'd get some advice from the pros.<br />
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I have a frame row located at the top of the page. It's purpose is to hold my banner image in place. I'd like to make the image size itself to fill the entire frame so as to prevent losing the end of the image in lower resolutions. Right now i just created the image as the exact size of the frame, as seen with my resolution, and used 'background-image' to display it. Far from clean, so thats why I'm here.<br />
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I remember coming across a "maximum" and "minimum" size attribute, but don't know how to use it. It would be great if the image would stretch/shrink to a certain degree, but then have scrolls when it's been reduced to a specified minimum percentage.<br />
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-----well, I tried using the 'img src=' "0" border and setting each dimention set to 100%, this works, but it doesn't fill the entire frame, but rather leaves void around it. Now im even more confused.<!--content-->can we see some code or your site? my guess is you need to take the margins out. also specifing a image to go in percentages will always pixelize the image. it may look good for you but on another resolution is will look, wll you don't want to know. :)<!--content-->Hmmm...I never encountered this problem because I rarely use frames, but I see a lot of sites create a splash page that would lead to different versions of a particular layout. For example, one version would be suited for a 800x600 resolution and the other, 1024x768.<br />
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That could be a option you might want to look in to.<!--content-->