Streamable mp3s


How do I get mp3 samples to be streamable instead of a person having to do a complete Download <!--more--> to listen to the sample?<!--content-->Firstly (as you probably know) you have to convert your mp3 into a streamable file. <br />
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The most common one is RealAudio by, I believe you can Download <!--more--> a demo of RealProducer which allows you to covert the mp3 file into the streamed realaudio file. Another popular streaming tool is Windows Media Encoder by Microsoft. I remember that RealProducer includes a set of wizards to help you convert the file into its streaming format. I can't remember if Windows Media Encoder has one, but being Microsoft it probably does.<br />
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Now if you use RealProducer it will covert your mp3 file into a .rm file (if I remember correctly, it has been a while). Next you open up a text file (try Notepad) and copy into it the url of the .rm file, such as:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
You then save this file with a .ram extension. You then embed it as you would any other media file, by using either the embed or object tag. Obviously the source being the .ram file. <br />
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If you choose Windows Media Encoder then that will convert you mp3 file into a .wma file. Now you open a text editor again (like Notepad) and type the code below into it.<br />
<br />
<asx version="3"> <br />
<entry > <br />
<ref href="yourfilename.wma" /> <br />
</entry> <br />
</asx> <br />
<br />
Now you save this with a .asx extension. You then embed the .asx file as you would any other media file, i.e. using object or embed.<br />
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Well that is as much as I can remember with my rusty knowledge. I hope it helps!!!<!--content-->Another way is to create an .m3u file that is text & inside have it point to the file you want to stream<br />
then all you need to do is provide a link to the m3u file<br />
ie<br />
<br />
m3ufile contents:<br />
<br />
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