strange problem


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for some reason when i go to this page my tables dont fit the whole screen, even through set width to 100%, the weird part is when i refresh the page it then does fit the whole screen. i am using ie5.5<br />
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i would be gratefull if anyone could take a look to solve this problem for me thanx.<!--content-->I do not experience this effect you describe. The entire width of the page is full on the first view.<br />
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Try emptying your cached files and see if that helps.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->i forgot to mention, it only happens if you open the page in a maximised browser window, the problem does not occur if it is initially loaded in a non maximised windows.<!--content-->could someone paste that address i gave and open in a maximised window to see if i have gone crazy.<br />
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oh its definately not a caching issue :(<br />
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please someone help !!!!<!--content-->I tried it maximized and full screen, either way the table fills the screen on first view. Don't know what else to say. There is nothing in the HTML code that I spotted..... Does the problem occur if you view it straight from the URL or when you view it through the frame or both?<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->i guess it is just me experiencing this, everyone else i asked says there is no problem<!--content-->Wierd. Works great for me.<!--content-->