STRANGE problem.

Hi guys.<br />
Just wondering if by some stroke of luck, you've ever experienced this problem.<br />
Check out my site at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
Notice the different tables on the page (i've placed the borders on so you can see all of the tables)and I had to do absolute positioning for the top two images in order to get them to fit the way I wanted them to.<br />
Everything on this page works fine.<br />
Now click on the "Resellers" button.<br />
Any of you who have a 1024 screen resolution or greater should see the page with no problem (although I've been playing around with some stuff so it may have messed up for you guys as well by now) however all of you with an 800x600 should see the text overlap the left nav bar. Obviously this has to do with a problem with the absolute positioning.<br />
Now technically, there is a table cell on the far left which should cover most of the nav bar. Next to this is another cell which should contain all of the pages text however this cell is the one which is overlapping the nav bar. <br />
Now on a 1024 screen resolution or greater, I can set the width of the first cell to a different width(it's on 150 right now) with no problem. On the 800x600 however, no matter what width I set the first cell to, it never changes thus the 2nd cell never moves over.<br />
Has anyone ever seen this error or know what may be the problem. <br />
If you'd like to see the code, let me know and I'll send it to ya but it's unfortunately close to 1000 lines.<br />
Thanks for any help.<br />
-Goalie35<!--content-->On Resellers there are 2 body/head tags:<br />
</SCRIPT><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<TITLE>Resellers</TITLE><br />
Remove this tags.<br />
:rocker:<!--content-->interesting. Netscape 7.0 and IE 6.0 display it vastly differently!<br />
<br />
in NS, the main logo is too far up and to the left, while the arch of the vertical nav thing fits perfectly within the block next to the text.<br />
<br />
in IE, the logo is positioned well, but the navigation thingy comes up halfway into the top... fitting kinda well with the curve on the top banner actually, but definitely looking out of place!<br />
<br />
i'll have a look at the code. can't promise anything, but i'll try.<!--content-->You have a [lot of errors in the code (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->)] on your front page too.<br />
<br />
The text content=ChangeMe"" should be content="something else, but inside the quotes"<br />
Add type="text/javascript" to all <script> tags.<br />
The <head> tag is duplicated a long way down the page. There must only be one.<br />
Change tags like this: document.write("</div>"); to be document.write("</" + "div>"); to hide the element from the validator.<br />
Check nesting of </td> and </div> elements. Check for misplaced, missing, or multiple closing tags.<br />
<br />
On the resellers page, there are a stack of similar errors, including other multiple disallowed or wrongly positioned tags. See [this link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->)] for a list. It includes:<br />
<br />
Multiple, wrongly placed <head> and </head> tags.<br />
The code face=Arial, geneva"> is missing a starting quote mark, several times.<br />
Links to stylesheet files must be in the <head> not the <body>.<br />
Multiple nesting errors with <form> and <table> stuff.<br />
<br />
Although some of the errors aren't particularly important, it is best to fix all of them so that any really major ones don't get lost in the list.<br />
<br />
Fix all those errors, and then see if it makes the problem go away.<!--content-->nope! i can tell you right now that i do NOT get it!<br />
<br />
how about posting JUST the relevant source? <br />
(particularly the CSS for DIV#navbar)<!--content-->