Strange problem when editing usergroups


New Member
This is really weird, but whenever I go into a usergroup and change any setting, a new group is created with that setting changed. The original group is the way it was before the change.

I am fairly sure it's something I did, but I cannot seem to find a solution to it. I would appreciate any help.
Two things, does it happen on the default style and if you disable hooks does it happen? Doesn't see like you could have done anything to trigger a problem like that but a hack might have.
I did some fiddling and once I disabled v3 arcade 1.0.9 and vbblog 2.0.2 (both from this site) the problem went away. So, I got all my permissions setup without those installed and then added the arcade....went in to set the arcade permissions and whamo, it created a new usergroup :S. Kinda sucks cause I really wanted to use v3arcade 1.0.9, but I guess I will try 08 and see if it works.