Strange class variable (not php5 related)<


class System {
var $start_time;
var $end_time;
var $page_time;
var $debug_on;
var $debug_content;
var $debug_write;

var $sql_result;
var $sql_queries;
var $sql_error;
var $sql_totsec;

function System(){
# Assign start vars
$this->start_time = microtime();
$this->debug = $this->debug('start');
$this->debug_write = true;
$this->sql_queries = 0;
$this->sql_totsec = 0;
$this->debug_on = false;
$this->debug_write = true;

# Turn on ooutput buffering

function debug($act,$cont=''){
# different debug actions
if($act == 'start'){
# Make sure debug is not already on
if($this->debug_on == false){
$this->debug_on = true;

if($act == 'cont'){
# Make sure debug has arleady started, if not start it.
if($this->debug_on == true){
$this->debug_content .= $cont."\n";

if($act == 'stop'){
# Write debug to file & close it

# I echo out $this->debug_on, and it should output 1(or true) but instead its empty therefore the if statement beneath it is false, and there won't anything written to the log file.
echo $this->debug_on;

if($this->debug_on == true){
if($this->debug_write == true){

$this->debug_content .= "\n";

$this->debug_on = false;

$fp = fopen('logs/debug_log.txt','a');

function lang($id){
# Setup the lang array here
$lang = array(
1=>'debug(): stopped debug with no debug_content',
2=>'debug(): stopped debug',
3=>'debug(): attempted to stop debug, but debug was not open',
4=>'debug(): started debug',
5=>'debug(): attempted to start debug, but debug was already open',
6=>'debug(): attempted to write debug, but was not open. opened debug',

10=>'finish(): finished handling the page, closing up',

20=> 'sql_query(): executed succesfull query',
21=>'sql_query(): executed failed query: '.$this->sql_error,
22=>'sql_fetch(): returned succesfull',
23=>'sql_numrows(): returned succesfull',
24=>'Total sql execution time '.$this->page_time.' microseconds',

'no_id'=>'Requested unnown lang id');

return $lang[$id];
return $this->lang('no_id');

function finish(){
$this->end_time = microtime();
$this->page_time = $this->load_time($this->start_time,$this->end_time);


# Stop debug

# output internal buffer

# This will start debug and set $system->debug_on = true
$system = new System;

# This will write the $system->debug_content to a file, and set $system->debug_on = false

as you can see i call the finish() function at the bottom. the finish function calls the debug('close') function. look at that and it's comment.

if you looked at the comment., i cnA'T FIND OUT WHY THAT VARIABLE IS EMPTY.

thanks in advance :Dthis

if($this->debug_on == false){

will not be true, ever. when you set something to true or false it is really being turned to 1 or 0, not false or true. they will be boolean, not a stringcouldn't you do this though?
if($this->debug_on === false){damn just when you think you're getting good at it ;) thanksOriginally posted by Josh
couldn't you do this though?
if($this->debug_on === false){
yesm tha tis the proper way to do it. so eiher way is fine. just not ==