New Member
This is kindof hard to explain...I have this class:\[code\].nav_option_main { background-color: #FC9;}\[/code\]I have two drop-lists, let's call them Drp1 and Drp2.Drp2 is populated depending on Drp1:s value, using javascript.Some values in Drp2 has the above class applied to them, but only some.Now, here is the strange problem, lets say I have made a selection on Drp1, and the Drp2 is filled with options (using js). Then, if option number 5 in Drp2 has the class applied to it so the background changes, and I change Drp1 to something else, then Drp2:s option number 5 hasn't changed the bgr color (because the class seem to have been cached somehow, and applied to it).Another example:I choose \[code\]fruits\[/code\] from \[code\]Drp1\[/code\]. \[code\]Drp2\[/code\] is populated with lets say 3 \[code\]fruits\[/code\], \[code\]banana\[/code\], \[code\]apple\[/code\], and \[code\]lemon\[/code\]. Lets say \[code\]Lemon\[/code\] has the \[code\]class\[/code\] applied to it, so \[code\]lemon has a background color\[/code\]!Then if I choose for example \[code\]countries\[/code\] in \[code\]Drp1\[/code\], and \[code\]Drp2\[/code\] is filled with \[code\]5 countries\[/code\], the third country's background color is still not changed even though the class isn't applied to it, why? So the countries could be \[code\]US\[/code\], \[code\]Canada\[/code\], \[code\]France\[/code\], \[code\]Russia\[/code\], \[code\]China\[/code\], in that order. Then France would have the background color attached to it, even though in the code it shouldn't have!If you need more info just let me know and I will come up with some more examples.