storing/parsing XML


New Member
Noob alert!!

I am stubling through learning a little about xml, and javascript. I am testing the feasibility of storing data for PCs in xml format.

I am not sure if I should do a seperate XML file for each PC, or one large XML file for all the PCs(this may not work since some machines will hit the file at the same time). Since I am very new to xml I am not sure of the ability to write to the same file at the same time. Also, is it more efficient to enumerate one large file, or many small files?

The scenario is;
1.PC logs onto the domain, updates the XML file via login script. this works without problems. for up to 4000 pcs are stored in xml file/files on non webserver.
3.I pull data via client side script.

I have a working javascript that parses the data from a single xml file now, however it seems to be less efficient than a vbscript i have that parses multiple xml files.

What are your opinions about this, any ideas about making parsing more efficient? best way to store this data? best way to script this clientside?
