New Member
I have a simple jQuery table editor, and want to be able to store the whole table in a variable. Later the state of the table will be saved, sort of a mini CMS.I tried using HTML, but it doesn't work for the generated elements.What is the best way to to do this? Also, is what \[code\].html()\[/code\] returns safe, or should I not use it because of browser differences in \[code\]innerHTML\[/code\]?\[code\]$("#target").click(function() { $('#myTable tr:last').after('<tr><td>Bla</td><td><div class="remove">REMOVE</div></td></tr>');});$("#myTable").on('click', '.remove', function(event) { $(this).parent().parent().remove();});var table = $("#myTable").html();$("button").click(function() { $(".result").html(table);});\[/code\]