Stop Spammers - One for the good guys


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Maybe they are starting to take it seriously now .... I am getting sick and tired of Nigerian requests for any product I might carry. Funny thing is they rarely care what the product is, or how much it might cost.I forwarded this spam to Yahoo Mail ([email protected]) and actually recieved a reply....Quote:There's only so much that Yahoo can do to deter scam/spam artists. I'm surprised that the Nigerian scams are still being conducted. I think the FBI should have acted on this long ago, since just about everyone in the US has received the Nigerian scam emails.I'm from South Africa and there are now tons of nigerians there. You guys are complaining about the email scams. You should hear about the other scams they pull in person.I am sure there are plenty of good and honest Nigerians ... this is not intended as a slam against an entire population. There is some speculation that government officials are allowing the people behind these scams to operate. That is the reason for the name.The best thing we can do is send the email (with headers) to the email provider (abuse@whateverdomain) and try to shut down their communication channels. SPAM violates most providers Terms-of-Service agreements, and they seem willing to cancel email accounts.If everyone forwarded this garbage to the offending domains immediately --- maybe we can make it unprofitable.When I first started with the SEO I tried some submission software and was automatically submitted to tons of FFA sites. The amount of SPAM that I still get daily is crazy. How effective are these SPAM Cops? If the sites are hosted on reputable hosting privers servers I'm sure something will be done. MOst of these guys are using servers for thing kind if stuff.What then?Not a plug, really (since it's open source - basically) but since I started using Open Relay Filter on my server, I've had at least an 80% or better reduction in spam mail: to MS Exchange Server.)Spam is bad enough ... I can take legitimate offers for ebooks and viagra. It is the, scammers, phishers, and low-life thieves that enter my mailbox on a regular basis that really bother me. The current advice is to simply delete this spam... to me that is like looking the other way, while your neighbor gets robbed.They have to connect to the Internet somewhere, and they need mail boxes for replies. Knowlegable people who recognize this garbage should inform the scammer's provider what is coming out of their servers. No honest ISP wants their IP addresses or mail server to start showing up on blacklists. I don't expect to impact the flow of spam one bit. But if I can shut one of these guys down (even if only temporarily), then I made it that much less profitable for them.Heard recently of an idea for someone to write a program that slams spammers websites with traffic.This would help because ISPs wouldn't want them because the DOS attack would hurt their whole network. And spammers sites would be so unresponsive that they couldn't conduct business if they wanted to.Gee - that would be terrible. ATNO/TW,Good to hear you disabled the "Open Relay" on your mail server. And to all others, if your mail server is abused by others and you have not taken proper steps to prevent it, you can be blacklisted by the spam cops. I know this to be fact by personal experience.I also want to share a good site for info on and reporting of spam: . I've found it to be extremely helpful.GimmeMyDomains wrote:Sorry if you saw my post before I have edited it. I got a bit confused!What I meant, is that if you are building a site, and don't want to get your email address harvested, then you can use the free tool at:http://www.spamitout.comWhere does that come from?shafferb1 wrote:You do make a good point, although I would disagree on certain levels:1. There is actually a much higher response rate to email addresses than to an email form. One reason could be because visitors are used to sending an email as it is something that they do many times a day. However especially inexperienced users may fear where their information is actually going or being used when filling in a form2. I would be surprised if an SEO did not know basic HTML and how to paste a Javascript (not Java) . Although nowadays, few things surprise me.... B - See a list of high paying Adsense Adwords.Guess this thread upset some slimeball....I started getting spam bounce backs, with my email spoofed as the return address. What a dipstick ... left his own IP address in the header Starting to find lots of REAL resources for reporting this garbage ... at least some countries have national level reporting --->The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (FBI) http://www.ifccfbi.govReporting Economic Crime Online (RCMP) http://www.recol.caAustralian Crime Commission