I have a php foreach script that will go through all files in a directory and list them out, with an icon for folders, and an icon for files.As the list just goes until it has checked all files and folders, it just goes off the bottom of the page.Just curious as to what people think the easiest way would be, to get the below code to break onto another column once it hits the bottom of the page?\[code\]foreach (glob("$dir/*") as $filename) { //Set the full path and filename $path_parts = pathinfo($filename); //Set the filename to display $itemname = $path_parts['basename']; //Remove bullet points from the list echo "<ul style='list-style:none'>"; //If it is a directory, list it. Else do nothing if(is_dir($filename)) { //Link points back to lister, with new directory echo "<li><a href='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10550963/list.php?dir=".$filename."' style='font-size:18px;'> <img src='http://stackoverflow.com/site/images/files/folder.png' height='32px' width='32px' border='0' /> ".$itemname."</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>";}\[/code\]Appreciate any advice people can offerEds