Still updating or Alg? Sites out of map


New Member
Seems that this weekend is so bad for our sites. Suddenly, all of our sites fall out of #50 in sERP though they were #1,#2 for some keywords.Hope it's temp.I'm not seeing any movement for my keywords on google, all are still high on the first pageIm still seeing movement in all my keywords. up and down. some went just yesterday from the 10 - 20 result page to 50 - 60 page. and ive done nothing to change anything. so either google just hates me or the results are still moving around quite a bit. comments welcome.. same thing happened to us.... we lost about 6 top 3 rankings.... well this has caused a 40% Hit (decline) in sales the past week and a half. thats not good. I catch all referer URL's and pull the "q=" (Query) phrase or term that the customer found me by and then run google position checks for my pages and like 90% dropped considerably. depressing man. now on a good note. yahoo and msn are both placing me a lot higher and refering more people to me then ever before. but yahoo and msn pale in comparison to sales conversion that i receive from google search --> sales ratio... but then google sends 7 times the traffic to me then msn and yahoo do.You know, I'm wondering if Google's sitemaps program is interfering a little with the current algo.I know on at least 2 of my sites, the number of indexed pages has gone up from ~3-5,000 to well over 20,000.Google could very well have discovered another billion pages since introducing the program that the algo simply hasn't been able to adequately account for.I m out of the map in google and yahoo, but msn is supporting me, top 1 and 2 is mine. Atleast a lil bit of relaxation.