New Member
I still have 0 Pr on both my sites am i missing something. Both have decent backlinks, also i noticed today that emmaserotica is on dmoz which is a great thing right?Any help would be good the sites are fairly old now - emmaserotica - 6 monthsthelondonextensioncompany - almost 2 years.Any ideas to why i have 0 PR would be great.Regards,Glen.link:www.thelondonextensioncompany.com yield no back links! though I can see a few in MSN. Buy 1 good banner tracking free on a PR5 page and see Does the coding of a site contibute to pr or is it just purley on backlinks?Back links only though the number of internal pages will factor. Toolbar PR is only a small factor in ranking nowdays.You have PR1 on http://www.thelondonextensioncompany.com/