Still needs Javascript!!


Staff member
Hi again folks!

I've asked for a certain javascript before and some nice people have tried to help me out. Still can't get it to work though. What I need is a script that determine the resolution of the users screen and then redirects them to one of two pages (one with the resolution 1024*768 and one with 800*600). But the redirection shall take place first after five seconds because I have a welcome site that I want the user to take a good look at first. Take a look for yourself at: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) (the page is in swedish but you'll probably understand what I want the script to do anyway) Please tell me where I shall insert the script because I don't know s**t about JS.


(Excuse my poor English)