status bar text


when the page <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> loads, in the bottom corner for the status bar text it says "done"<br />
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the only time that changes is when i have other mouseover stuff change that text... but it goes right back to "done" is there a way for me to eliminate the "done" from the status bar, yet still have the other mouseover texts work?:confused:<!--content-->i dont think that there is anyway to remove it. Because all of the websites that i have ever visited do that. Hmmm. Maybe you could use this:<br />
<script language="javascript">window.status="Welcome to my website"</script> <br />
That would set it to a default when the page loads. All that is needed is to just change the text "Welcome to my website" to whatever text you want.<br />
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Also your no right click feature is a little childish. I was still able to get your pages source and any pictures that I wanted. It just took me like 2 seconds longer.<!--content-->Get a javascript source for putting text into the status bar. Make the text "." (a period). That is the closest you'll get to having nothing, becuase the period is the smallest text possible.<!--content-->You can do this:<br />
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<script language="javascript"><br />
<!--<br />
window.defaultStatus="";<br />
//--><br />