Statistics template.

Error 404

New Member
Umm, I just was browsing forum, and found this :


Is there any way to delete it, because i think i know whats happening, i just dont know the way to get rid of it.. Is there such a thing as a "Statistic template" ? If not, where can i take that garbage off then ?

mmm that's a search and replace so it must be a plug in in the acp that does that thing, D: even if you search in the template you wont find it 'cuz is the search and replace function of the php D: as i said there must be a plug in that does that file edits try searching for it owo or tell me the name of the mod you're using so i can give you further instructions
the mod called vB Tournaments and Ladders 2.8.2

EDIT: i found the plugin.. Name of it Tournament MemberInfo
And this is what inside of it :
if ($this->registry->options[tmnt_profile])
	$prepared['tmnt_wins'] = vb_number_format($userinfo['tmnt_wins']);
	$prepared['tmnt_joins'] = vb_number_format($userinfo['tmnt_joins']);
	eval('$template_hook[profile_stats_pregeneral] .= "' . fetch_template('tmnt_profile') . '";');

EDIT 2: Also found the template named tmnt_profile..
This is what is inside :
<fieldset class="statistics_group">
		<ul class="list_no_decoration">

				<li><span class="shade">$vbphrase[tmnt_joins]: </span> $prepared[tmnt_joins]</li>
			<li><span class="shade">$vbphrase[tmnt_wins]:</span>  $prepared[tmnt_wins]</li>
