Statistic about sending mail

Hi there,
I have a newsletter.
I send it to 5,000 people and I want to know who open the mail and who click on it.
So I undersatnd that it's not a problem to know who clicked but How can I know who open it.
I thought to put an img that is taken from my server and then when the user open the mail he "call" my server and take the pic.
But how can I know what is the specific ID that do that?
Or maybe u have another idea?it will only work if the clients e-mail will properly access a remote host when they open the e-mail (likely with a script that is activated virtually) the only way for this to work is knowing that all the recipiants of the e-mail have an open connection to the internet, and e-mail viewer can display html or other script embedable languages.

feeling like a broken record
Let's assume that they are connected to the net and they have HTML mail.
How can I do so?
Do u have the script?what you are going to want to have is....

Your server configured with as much as you can find out about your viewers saved into your log files. In the e-mail give a sniplet of an <!--#include tag to a page that resides on your server, but will not display out of the normal in the clients e-mail.

depending on what type of log and web analyzing tool you are using, you can have the page which was accessed virtually keep the persons IP, possibly e-mail (if you have a cookie system enabled) and other info that will identify who has opened it. For the hits analyzing tool, <THE BEST is WEB TRENDS, or another that works great and cost less, check WUSAGE>

hope it helps!
Thanks for your replay.
Well I built a page in asp that take the unique id and than add in my database mark that it was opened.
So I don't know how to combine this asp page in the html mail.
I think that if I'll use an <!--#include tag - the html won't reconzie this tag.
Or am I wrong?