Starting work with an API with PHP and XML - Where to begin?


New Member
I am currently the owner of a small company and the developer. I have never worked with XML or implementing an API just yet. However, the doc to the API I am working with is very small and vague.I really need help beginning here.I am currently working on generating a return label with our USPS API permit. I have all the account creditials and have gone through their validation processes and now I just need to get the web version done.My customer will enter their info and we will generate a return label for them. Here is the API doc: have read about using SimpleXML for parsing but I am not really sure where to start. Can anyone give me some pointers and advice on where to go? Once again, this is my first time working with XML. (It is imperative I learn how to work with API's so I can work with other API's in the future.)Thanks so much!