starting php coding and not sure where to start<


I just finished my first book on php and mysql and figured its time to start coding some pages. The webhost I'm using uses Apache servers and has php/mysql installed, and I want to install an identical environment on my local computer for development.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the easiest way to accomplish this? I tried installing all 3 apps separately but am pulling my hair out trying to get anything to work and documentation in these distributions is almost non-existant.

I read where its easier to install something like phpdev that handles all of the configuration for you. Any advice would be appreciates as I've been working on this for days and have gotten install phpdev, I know of some people that have done it. but I prefer the stand alone cause I know what I got and I will have all of teh php extensions. some phpdev don't have it all.

there are numerous tutorials on the net to install each individually. I beleive I have a tutorial on my site tha texplains it pretty good. if not there is a thread hee tha tsomebody made that goes pretty good.

if you install apache and then php, php will configure apache config for you. mysql is a one click install and then configure it is pretty easy.