!! Staff IRC


New Member
Network: AfterNET.org (irc.afternet.org, us.afternet.org, eu.afternet.org)

Channel: #vBTEAM.Staff-01dQ9e


/join #vBTEAM.Staff-01dQ9e CpnGAhCYUMKxoCEh4GGG1Sf

Register your nick, so that I can make you op.
Ok so signed up now what do I do?

I did the:
/join #vBTEAM.Staff-01dQ9e CpnGAhCYUMKxoCEh4GGG1Sf
Now what about the key thing?

(IRC noob here)..:)
Some info for those that do not know how to register their name on IRC.

If you do not already have an authserv account, the command to learn how to register a username with authserv is:

/msg authserv help register

Authserv will then show how to register a username. If you already have an account, the command to authenticate is as follows:

/msg authserv auth username password

Replace username and password with your information.
Gonna be offline for a few days (if not more), i'm moving and need to get internet set up in new place, hope everything goes well with the upgrade and hope to see a great new place when I get back...:)
