New Member
I have a list of DIVs, that are stacked on top of each other. Basically they are not floating.The height is fixed to 500px, and once the DIVs get to the bottom, I would like them to then start in the next column. So with about 200 items, you would just scroll horizontally to see the divs instead of vertically. The number of DIVs can be very large, and ideally i would like the rows to get pushed when the screen is re-sized. So not having a fixed row, that float next to each other. \[code\]<div class="row show-grid"> <div class="span1 span1-nofloat">Item 1</div> <div class="span1 span1-nofloat">Item 1</div> <div class="span1 span1-nofloat">Item 1</div> <div class="span1 span1-nofloat">Item 1</div></div>.span1 {width: 60px;}.span1-nofloat { float: none;}\[/code\]