SSI or frames


I manage a fairly large site with 80+ pages. At the moment the logo and menu buttons appear on every page but this obviously makes for unnecessary work when I need to add a button. I have been considering implementing SSI for the menu buttons or maybe frames but can't decide which would be best.<!--content-->Another option would be to use a template to create these pages. Then if you need to add another button later you can just update the template and apply it to all the relevant pages.<br />
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I use Dreamweaver for my company's intranet and templates are very easy to create and use with this software.<br />
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There is nothing wrong with using frames though if it suits you. Admittedly I know nothing about SSI though, so I'm not sure about that option.<br />
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HTH ;)<!--content-->I do use the library facility in Dreamweaver so its easy to make the update locally but then it still means uploading all of the pages. This is why I was thinking of keeping the menu part in a file or a frame which would mean you could add a button to all pages by updating one file.<br />
I haven't used the Dreamweaver template facility but would you still have to upload all pages once you have added a button to your menu ?<br />
Thanks<!--content-->Sorry I didn't think about the uploading issue as I don't need to do that with our intranet. I assume that you would have to yes.<!--content-->It really depends on your particular site, but for the most part, SSI is preferable to frames. Frames can be very useful and I don't think they're all bad at all, but they have their own set of problems which must be overcome/compensated for. SSI doesn't come with any built in problems at all, really.<!--content-->Thanks.<br />
I was swaying towards SSI but thought I should consider the options before throwing myself into updating all of the pages.<!--content-->Hiya Sue - you're just down the road from me...(anyway)<br />
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Frames - ooh - shudder!<br />
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I avoid them like the plague - never did get on with them. <br />
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I *totally* agree with zenyenta, SSI and for your particular example - I reckon it is the perfect answer.<br />
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But then I also think progs(?) like dreamweaver should have been nuked on the drawing board!<br />
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But then.... that's just my humble and *unenlightened* opinion...... I'm not here to upset anyone ;o)<br />