SSI for complicated website


Staff member
Hi Guys,<br />
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I have been reading about SSI on the forum and it sounds like the kind of coding I need. However, what I need it to do is a little complex and it's making my head ache as to how to go around it. <br />
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Take a look at the following website I am working on <br />
SSI Required for this website - CLICK ME PLEASE! (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Now we have two menu sections Left pain and right pain, a header and the main copy. Now what I have been landed with eeeek... is the task of creating a template that has all the Nav links left and right, and the header complete with ad codes etc. in SSI format. So that when this template is used 100'ds of times they only need to update the links within the ISS file.<br />
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Now here is the thing. I have only just started with SSI and am still strugling. I have tried creating cells in dreamweaver and using the <!--# xxxx xxx --> tag within each cell. Trying to keep the above format, but this doesn't work. I have tried saving each section of html and saving as ASP file and then creating a new page, but all that happens is that each ASP file is shown underneath each other. It's a tough one and I have about a day to acheive this else I may not have a job at the end of the week. :confused: :eek: <br />
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I know this is a real cheek. But how the hell do I create a template that will allow them to have the Nav Left & righ and the header, with the middle used for including body copy.<br />
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Any help from you guys would be appreciated....<br />
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Please :D <br />
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Stu<!--content-->most servers require you to name SSI pages with a different extension:<br />
<br />
.shtm<br />
.shtml<br />
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maybe yours will read SSI tags with a .htm extension but its doubtful.<!--content-->Thanks for that Kevin, but I don't have a problem with that. I know how the SSI work regarding saving and server placement. <br />
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My problem is creating a template from all the links within the page. So that when these links change, I don't have to update a million and one pages.<br />
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What I want is to carry the design over into a shtml page, that can have copy added and retain the links on the outer cells as SSI. <br />
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It's easier just to look at the page, click the link. You will see that all the links and adds must be SSI files, so that when they change I don't have to do 100 plus pages of the same.<br />
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Can anyone help... is there a quick way I can batch all these links together?<br />
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Stu<!--content-->It will take some time to check your html code and make suggestions on how to convert your existing html document into a SSI enabled template. I don't heave the time right now to do that, maybe somone else will.<!--content-->Thanks for trying mate :) <br />
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At the moment I am trying to break each component down in to seperate tables and saving them as for example for the left hand Nav 1st cell as : left_Nav_1st_cell.asp<br />
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Then some how group all the asp files that make up the page as one shtml, which can be changed!?<br />
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Tricky.... help!<!--content-->huh? just take all the links in the left hand side and insert them into a file by themselves then just insert the SSI code to inlude them.<br />
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are the files on it already ASP? because I see they are html files so why are you using ASP when you don't have to?<br />
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also if you want to take each section of links into a file of themselves than that is a lot harder as you still have to edit that many files.<!--content-->I know it seems I am creating more work for myself here. What you have to realise is that the pages will be used 100's of times in one week. Therefore by creating the differing files (I read in this forum that ASP was better to use to save these code snippets as). This allows differing departments access to different parts of the website ... eg advertising etc. That way everyone can get on with what they should be doing and the design remains constant.<!--content-->could you throw some code to the monkey?<br />
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all i need is the shtm / shtml file, and the pages you are trying to include.<br />
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really not hard at all to do, just to explain it takes more time. (i've tried before... trust me!)<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Originally posted by stuwhisson <br />
I know it seems I am creating more work for myself here. What you have to realise is that the pages will be used 100's of times in one week. Therefore by creating the differing files (I read in this forum that ASP was better to use to save these code snippets as). This allows differing departments access to different parts of the website ... eg advertising etc. That way everyone can get on with what they should be doing and the design remains constant. <br />
yes that makes sense. you will have many depertments working one each section. that will work. :)<!--content-->this might help...<br />
<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<br />
<title>ssi base page</title><br />
<br />
</head><br />
<br />
<body><br />
<table><br />
<tr colspan="3"><br />
<td>header include here <!--#include file="header.html"--></td><br />
</tr><br />
<tr><br />
<td>navigation left include <!--#include file="nav_left.html"--></td><br />
<td>content for center is static</td><br />
<td>navigation right include <!--#include file="nav_right.html"--></td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
<br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
<br />
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the page above has 1 table, 2 rows and 3 collums<br />
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this should help you out... if you would like more, just throw me some code!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Whew all done!<br />
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What I did is similar to what you just mentioned pixelmonkey (you cheeky thing you). <br />
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I created a whole new table layout and then saved the areas of code that will be changed freqeuntly and used across 100'ds pages. These were saved as ASP files. I then added the files to the respective cells.<br />
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So now the company can change everything, including metatags, keywords, advertising, links, graphics, copyright and more, without having to change every page on the server and also maitaining the look and structure of the website.<br />
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I never knew I had it in me. Although, I did learn alot from those above and those that had posted about SSI before. You lovely lot :)<br />
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