I have a sql reporting services report that displays sales from all of our stores etc it includes a column which displays a % to budget value. What I want to do is if the value is \[code\]>= .35\[/code\] then make it the background of the cell \[code\]Green\[/code\], if the value is \[code\]< .35 and > .30\[/code\] then \[code\]Yellow\[/code\] if the value is \[code\]< .30 then Red\[/code\].It's really doing my head in I just can't seem to get it to work with all 3 ranges.I can put in the background color properties of the cell the expression:\[code\]=IIF(Fields!ID__to_Budget.Value >= 0.35, "Green", "Red")\[/code\]And that works, but of course I don't have any Yellow range, anything under .35 becomes red.I have been trying to do a nested expression on the background color like this: \[code\]=iif( (Fields!ID__to_Budget.Value >= 0.35), "Green", ( iif(Fields!ID__to_Budget.Value <0.35 and > 0.30, "Yellow", iif(Fields!ID__to_Budget.Value < 0.30 "Red", "White") ) ) )\[/code\]but it complains about a syntax error on the "and >0.30" part.Many thanksLance