SQL timestamp column in XML


New Member
Hi,I'm hoping one of you has had this problem before. I have a typical Microsoftbased XML application using IE5 and IIS. On the ASP server side, I pullthe record from SQL (using plain ol' ADO), generate the XML content, shipit to the browser along with the XSL file. The browser modifies the recordand ships the data back using XMLHTTP.My problem occurs with a SQL timestamp column, which I use to prevent concurrencyproblems. The only way I am able to get this into the XML file easily isconvert it into a 16 byte hex string, which looks like this 0x000000000000FCAB.This works great until I try to get this back into a varbinary(8) columnthat ADO can hand to SQL server. Bottom line: I am unable to regeneratethis timestamp column from my ASP server-side code which the ADO provider(SQLOLEDB) understands.Anybody bump into this before?Randy