Hello Everyone, how are you?
This is just a general question and I'm sure someone has the answer
I've written an application in Visual Basic which uses ADO. I have an ADO command object which I am setting the CommandText property to the SQL text which I want to implement and then I am calling the .Execute method of my command object.
This all works dandy, but am curious on one thing...
If I have an existing table with data (let's call this table Description), how do I copy its structure (not the data, but just the structure) to a new table using the Create Table statement?
I've been fiddling with Query Analyzer trying to do statements to accomplish this, but can not figure it out. I know how to do it using DTS and all the WYSIWYG tools SQL provides, but I need to be able to do this at a code level within the Command object ADO provides.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I came across this message board via a search engine result, so I will check back periodicically. If you do not mind though, if you can Cc: a copy of your reply to my hotmail account, that would be excellent!
Thank you for your Time and Help!
Shane Escher
This is just a general question and I'm sure someone has the answer
I've written an application in Visual Basic which uses ADO. I have an ADO command object which I am setting the CommandText property to the SQL text which I want to implement and then I am calling the .Execute method of my command object.
This all works dandy, but am curious on one thing...
If I have an existing table with data (let's call this table Description), how do I copy its structure (not the data, but just the structure) to a new table using the Create Table statement?
I've been fiddling with Query Analyzer trying to do statements to accomplish this, but can not figure it out. I know how to do it using DTS and all the WYSIWYG tools SQL provides, but I need to be able to do this at a code level within the Command object ADO provides.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I came across this message board via a search engine result, so I will check back periodicically. If you do not mind though, if you can Cc: a copy of your reply to my hotmail account, that would be excellent!
Thank you for your Time and Help!
Shane Escher