SQL Server vs. mySQL


New Member
Well, i've come to ask for some valuable advice on which i should use... mySQL or SQL Server....

now, i realize most replies will be based largely on opinion... and that is ok... but i would really appreciate it if some of you would outline the advantages/disadvantages of using either one with PHP4...

to me, mysql has seemed always a bit short of mass traffic capable status than Sql server has... maybe i'm wrong but i seem to remember hearing that you get what you pay for :/...

i will be using either database for a fairly intensively database driven site... mostly just select queries will be run... but a fair amount of insert ones will be run as well...

i understand mysql is faster than sql server... correct?

well, i really don't know... i've got both at my disposal and right now im leaning towards sql server..

thanks for the help!