I'm trying to grasp the idea of transactions fully. Therefore the following question... (ofcourse newbie, so don't laugh )I have set up a (simplified) transaction in PHP (using the PHP SQL driver from microsoft). I want to get the rows I'm going to delete for some extra processing later:\[code\]sqlsrv_begin_transaction($conn);$sql = "SELECT * FROM test WITH (XLOCK) WHERE a<10";$statement = sqlsrv_query($conn,$sql);$sql = "DELETE FROM test WHERE a<10";sqlsrv_query($conn,$sql);$result = get_result_array($statement);sqlsrv_commit($conn);$result2 = get_result_array($statement);\[/code\]1) I do get the expected result in $result but an empty array in $result2. Why?I would expect only a result in $result2 because then the transaction has actually been executed. I guess the result in $result is a sort of 'temporary' result in memory and not actually a result from the actual database.2) It could be that between the moment the transaction was started and the actual commit, an other query from another connection has changed the rows which match (a<10)? That means that the results I'm expecting according to $result will be different from the actual changes in the database.Or is it that (a) the transaction occurres with an in-memory copy of the database (not affected by in-between queries from other connections), or (b) the locks obtained since the beginning of the transaction are already in action for other queries from other connections?After typing this I'm expecting answer b....?