Sql server memusage goes really HIGH


Hi all, this topic is shouldn't be in here but i had no were else to go then this web site (the rest sucks) thanks to you all i can get good solutions to my problems. Now here is the question:

The company that i work for has a really junky database (maybe it feels like it), because it is really working slow, we have a dual xeon cpu's with 2gb memory and plenty of hard space,

We use access 2000 to connect to the database (until i complete pushing everything to .net and thats not going to happen soon :( ).

I trace how the memusage is and i generally see access is building upmore memory usage in certen processes that has to happen day time by our processing department. normally the memory usage goes upto 1500, but when they use that process it goes up 5000 6000 8000 and i make them get out every time they get there,

I was curious if there is a way to make access refresh its connection, because its a entry system and after every certain count of entries refreshing the connection would clean up memusage (like i make then restart the program).Uhhh dunno. I have not really noticed the memory usage. You might try testing some other clients, such as the one integrated with webmatrix (Its a pain to use in real life but use it to test) and enterprise manager, etc. I generally use access for this myself too.had to post other places ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.access-programmers.co.uk">http://www.access-programmers.co.uk</a><!-- m --> ) this thing is hard to find. hopefully this place would answer its a access forum.well if they do gimmi a link!Sure i will, no sound yet, they are not as fast as u are :D :cool: :cool:Hopefully they are more helpful though!