SQL SERVER connection from another server on the network


New Member
I'm having trouble connecting to a database on another server. I have setup the DSN which in testing works perfect. However when running the asp script with the follwing code: \[code\]<%Dim rsGetInvoiceContactDim rsGetInvoiceContact_numRowsSet rsGetInvoiceContact = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rsGetInvoiceContact.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_to_EFACs_STRING_aprsGetInvoiceContact.Source = "SELECT * from "& ActinicPersons &" p WHERE p.[Contact ID] = " + Replace(rsGetInvoiceContact__vInvoiceID, "'", "''") + "" rsGetInvoiceContact.CursorType = 0rsGetInvoiceContact.CursorLocation = 2rsGetInvoiceContact.LockType = 1rsGetInvoiceContact.Open()rsGetInvoiceContact_numRows = 0%>\[/code\]With the below connection string:\[code\]Dim MM_conn_to_EFACs_STRING_apMM_conn_to_EFACs_STRING_ap = "dsn=DSNefacsdb2;uid=IUSR_RFS01;pwd=Splendid01;"\[/code\]The error show after running the script: \[code\][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error./Sales/order_entry.asp, line 55\[/code\]When running the script against the local database it works as I want it, I have adjusted all the permissions on the other database for the user IUSR_RFS01, but still no joy! :(