So here is my problem: I have a site where I have to search through the stuff on it.This is my sql sentence:\[code\]public DataTable Search(string Keyword){ return db.GetData("SELECT * FROM tblBehandlinger WHERE fldYdelse LIKE @1", "%" + Keyword + "%");}\[/code\]But as you can see it will only search through the table name "fldYdelse". And I works fine, but my problem is that it wont search through two things.This I how I want it to be:\[code\]public DataTable Search(string Keyword){ return db.GetData("SELECT * FROM tblBehandlinger WHERE fldYdelse LIKE @1 OR fldPris @2", "%" + Keyword + "%");}\[/code\]This is my backend of the \[code\]search.aspx\[/code\] site:\[code\]string keyword = Request.QueryString["search"].ToString();foreach (DataRow item in s.Search(keyword).Rows){ //BLAH BLAH BLAH}\[/code\]But I can't list it out.