:( SQL Query,


New Member
I am trying to implement a shop type system and to identify a customer on the internet I have made PHP generate an ID Code and make a table with mySQL from it.

n6a3p0z3a3f6z6p3c2a7 for example.

This code is then passed between pages using qeuery strings. When I ask SQL to retreive all the items the customer has ordered, these have there ItemID\'s stored in the table mentioned above, I use this:

SELECT ItemID,ItemDesc,ItemPrice,InStock FROM goodsitems WHERE gooditems.ItemID = $custID.ItemOrdID;

I get told it is an ivalid resource because SQL cant find the table :( but it has written to it on the same page. Can anyone help if I have explained it well enuf :) *thanz*

I'm using mySQL and Xitami whith PHP4.