SQL help


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I have the following tables set up for a bus timetable system.....

in its unnormalised format it is


I then normalised it by finding functional dependancies....

*ROUTE_ID is a unique bus number
*RUN is to say that a bus, say the 52 runs its route many times each day ie a 52 at 10:12am,10:22am,10:30am
*STOP_ID is a unique number for the stop. A stop may be used by many ROUTE_ID
*CODE is a number to say that a RUN may not operate on Sundays or bankholidays.
*ATIME is the time a bus(which is the same as ROUTE_ID as they are both unique and mean the same) is at a specified stop.



*R_ORDER is an incrementing number which says the order in which stops are travelled.


There is still alot of duplication in these tables, is this OK?

Anyway my main question is that I am trying to develop a query which can do the following..
"Give me a list of buses and times they run from X lane to Y lane on or after Z time."

Any ideas? I think this is very tough. It is assumed that the person stays on the same bus for the whole journey. It is only for a bus network in one town. What makes it harder is that a person may travel towards town or away from town, I have R_ORDER to try and model this.
If you need anymore information just shout!

Thank-you very much for your time and help!