SQL Help : Counting latest status of each sales

I have tbl_sActivity that looks like this:\[quote\] act_id | Client_id | act_status | user_id | act_date
1         |      7       |      warm    |     1       | 19/7/12
2         |      7       |      dealed  |     1       | 30/7/12
3         |      8       |      hot        |     1       | 6/8/12
4         |      5       |      cold       |    22      | 7/8/12
5         |      6       |      cold       |     1       | 16/7/12
6         |      6       |      warm     |     1       | 18/7/12
7         |      6       |      dealed   |     1       | 7/8/12
\[/quote\]I want to count act_status of each user_id's clients from their latest status. The output should come out like this\[quote\] user_id | act_status | Count(act_status)
1           |    dealed    |    2
1           |      hot        |    1
22         |     cold       |     1
\[/quote\]but what i can do was only to display their latest activity with no feature. So please kindly help me. Thank you very much.