SQL error after Optimize and Repair


New Member
postindex Check Error: Incorrect information in file: './emonxco_vbulletin/postindex.frm'

postindex Check Error: Corrupt

i when optimize and Repair from AdminCP it says its corroupt and i am facing DB error from this can any one fix it?? or help me out
You are probably going to have to get into phpmyadmin to see if you can repair that table or replace it. Apparently the postindex table isn't that important but can be a pita. You can delete and recreate it in fact but I guess I would try to empty it first and rebuild your search index. If the table is corrupted, you may have to delete it and recreate it then run your update counter script.

Admin CP -> Import & Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Search Index.
dude this thing is very important my Latest posts are not changing plus error comes when some one create TOpic or Quick Reply thanks for the info i am trying it
"Admin CP -> Import & Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Search Index." when i try to this it gives DB error of post index same as above

SQL query:

TRUNCATE TABLE `postindex`

MySQL said: Documentation
#1146 - Table 'emonxco_vbulletin.postindex' doesn't exist

I tried to empty it but it gives error ok if i delete this then how to Recreate it