SQL DB Replacement


New Member
I found a SQL dump of vb site warez which have 5000 member's
though i am interested in members only not the post in the dump or anything else

my idea of using that dump is too connect that member db to mine and those members are registered here then email them to inform them that reset ur pass or etc etc. from that 5000 members even 500 see my site its worth for me
can any one tell me out how to mix that dump with mine without loosing anything

fore example

"My site SQL & "Other SQL of some one else site"

I want Members of "Other SQL of Some one else site into my site SQL"
without overwriting of my xcisting members means those 5000 members + my site 380 Members.

Nothing else to be imported Only Member's there Profile email no post's or anything else

i will love it when some one helps me out in this thanks fellas
yup but i guess you don't have permissions for the some one else site db? right? that means it's impossible, just try and get members the legit way making content, doing thing that the memebers want to use or know etc
I didn't say it was allowed but for example in your cpanel you have your database but you need YOUR password and username to access ther, if you installed your vb you also know you need the db user and password to use it, if your trying to get the user of another databse you will need also that kind of things so yup is imposible unless you hack the other forum to get their passwords and username and maybe damage their database, so yeah it's imposible unless you got what i have already said