SQL 7 & Win2k Server- Restored database, login fails


New Member
I run a Classic ASP web application on a Win2K server that is also running SQL 7. Everything was going great until 2 days ago when we suffered an SQL injection that destroyed lots of data. I restored my databases, but 1 of them is giving me the error- "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login 'EZMenus'. Login fails./EZmenus/dpt_str_nav.asp, line 4"So I double checked the permissions and the user specified in the ASP script has permission to access the database along with the IUSR account, but no matter what I do to the permissions, I cannot make the page work. The URL for the page I am trying to fix is here- http://indianovensf.com/menu.htmAny advice or suggestions are GREATLY appreciated as this is driving me insane and my customers are not happy.Thanks for your help!!!Mike