Splitting table

how many record mysql can store? if my average record add in is 1500, should i split the table into 2? Thanks.I'm for sure on mySQL, but your average SQL type server shouldn't have any problems with a table in the single thousands.

The speed of a table depends very little on the size of them and more on how they're constructed.

For instance if this a sample of one of my tables:

loginName | First Name | Last Name | Phone | User Type

putts | Ryan | Putman | (888)979-0101 | Administrator
bjones | Bob | Jones | (898)333-1212 | User
jsmith | John | Smith | (121)343-5656 | User

This is what I'd to the table to make it quicker:

  1. Add a autonumber ID - this gives me something uniqe that isn't a text field which I can retrieve records with
    I would not store the formatting on the phone number cuz a number stores quicker
    I would create a table for User Types and just store an index number in my table

    Basically numbers are quicker and can make size not matter so much.now what do you mean by 1500 records? do you mean 1500 rows?

    I just have to say that mysql will hold more than access. so take that for an answer. :)

    I have had a table up to 84000 rows. ran just fine. but if you get that high than I would suggest indexing.