Speed of data manipulation in PHP vs MySQL


New Member
Apologies in advance if this is a silly question but I'm wondering which might be faster/better in the following simplified scenario...I've got registered users (in a users table) and I've got countries (in a countries table) roughly as follows:USERS TABLE:user_id (PK, INT) | country_id (FK, TINYINT) | other user-related fields...COUNTRIES TABLE:country_id (PK, TINYINT) | country_name (VARCHAR) | other country-related fields...Now, every time I need to display a user's country, I need to do a MySQL join. However, I often need to do lots of other joins with regard to the users and the big picture seems quite "join-heavy". I'm wondering what the pros & cons might be of taking the countries out of the database and sticking them into a class as an array, from which I could easily retrieve them with public method calls using country_id? Would there be a speed advantage/disadvantage?Thanks a lot.EDIT: Thanks for the all the views, very useful. I'll pick the first answer as the accepted solution although all contributions are valued.