specific gallery type site


Staff member
ok - I'm not sure if this is the spot to start this thread, but I've searched all over this forum and various others for a solution and just can't seem to find what I'm looking for - so I'm begging for help!<br />
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I currently have a small site offering various wallpapers with different resolutions. It's taken off a bit and I'll be moving over to my own domain. Currently I have 4 html's for each resolution offered for each image (about a dozen now, more on the way, plus others submitted). Making 4 pages for each size is - well - a pain! I've tried various java options to predict screen size and offer that specific one, but it doesn't work on all browsers.<br />
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I'm thinking the solution is in the overall layout. I've seen a few professional sites which use the mshow.shtml?image= tags and can't find anything on the web about it beyond some live conference thing.<br />
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so! suggestions, pointers, or a little direction is greatly needed!<br />
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thanks! pad<!--content-->How about a link, or a more complete description of what you are after. I won't lay claim to being the brightest bulb in the pack, but I don't understand. Why do you make 4 different pages for each wallpaper?<!--content-->hey Aronya1, sorry. let me clarify.<br />
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you can see the current site at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://home.comcast.net/~recoverydesktops/">http://home.comcast.net/~recoverydesktops/</a><!-- m --> which will be moving to it's own host later this month. After 500 hits in the last few months, I figured it was time to get formal. I've got an email out to Ryan at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.digitalblasphemy.com">http://www.digitalblasphemy.com</a><!-- m --> for how he does his site, but haven't heard from him in some time. He might still be out of town.<br />
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the reason for 4 pages is that there are 4 versions of each image- 800,1024,1152, and 1280 resolutions. I cant expect someone with thier screen set to 800x600 on dial up to Download <!--more--> the 1280x1024 version at 3 or 400k unless they really want to. I remember those days.<br />
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The option to view the other sizes will always be available, but the making of 4 pages for each image is a pain.<br />
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any suggestions would be great, I'm REALLY stuck on this (or just maybe stuck with it)lol.<br />
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Thanks all<!--content-->OK, now that I know what you're doing, here's my suggestion: Make one page which includes a large thumbnail so people can see the image. Provide links to the 4 different-sized images & let people Download <!--more--> from those. You really don't need a new HTML page just to display an image.<!--content-->