Specific devices to gain access to page, but others cannot


New Member
I have a project in mind, but i was hoping i could get some insight.Would it be possible to have a page allow access to my phone, or a co workers phone or laptop or device, but refuse any other device to gain access to this page.The idea of this project is through QR codes, for example,If i generate a QR code, to access a list of lets say, inventory. i would like my phone, or my co workers phone to gain access to it, but if say my brother or someone outside trys the code and gets sent to this specific page(s), it doesn't allow it to happen because the phone ID or tablet ID is not in the list to gain access.It would be difficult to create a login page and enable QR codes, because you cannot implement the login information in the QR code because then the security would be irrelevant. Any suggestions??