special characters in XML


New Member
I am having problems trying to display an XML node using XSL when the nodecontains special characters. I have tried using an example from one of yourprevious discussions as follows:<xsl:eval no-entities='true'>this.nodeValue<xsl:eval>Here is my XML<news_text>link to <![CDATA[<a href=http://forums.devx.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a>]]here.</news_text>Here is my XSL<xsl:template match="news_text/text()"><xsl:eval no-entities='true'>this.nodeValue<xsl:eval>with this code I get absolutely nothing on the web pageif I use<xsl:template match="news_text><xsl:value-of />Then the web page displayslink to <a href=http://forums.devx.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a> here.I want my this data to display as a link. Is this possible?