Special characters confuse IE's engine


Staff member
I just noticed that an organization name ending in "?quot; breaks IE. The "?quot; is transformed into a blank character, and the next few charcters of code are eaten up... So... what should look like:

Organization: Burbon Street Caf?br />Program Name: Billiard/Arcade

looks like:

Organization: Burbon Street Caf[]r />Program Name: Billiard/Arcade

This information is retrieved from an Access db, so they can't be changed to special character codes...

The code looks something like:

Response.Write ("<strong>Organization:</strong> " & rsDb("orgName") & "<br />" & vbcrlf)

Response.Write ("<strong>Program name:</strong> " & rsDb("progName") & "<br />" & vbcrlf)

Funny thing is when I view source... everything seems fine.

Is there a way to fix this?Google search for Unicode.....it's the regional languages you can tie into the HTML of your web page to force the browser to know which set of characters to use.Ryan is correct. Its not IE, its the language settings of the outputting server.

Change the code page that supports the character or change to a language/country code that supports unicode.