sparql request on IMSLP music pieces


New Member
I'm french, and I want to retrieve all scores on the wiki of classical music "imslp" ( I searched and I found this:écial:Exporter&action=submitIt's a link which you can export the data from IMSLP in XML, but the data it's incomplete for example:\[code\] </text> </revision> </page> <page> <title>Ballade, Op.31 (Sarasate, Pablo de)</title> <id>135650</id> <revision> <id>615596</id> <timestamp>2011-01-11T23:56:40Z</timestamp> <contributor> <username>Perlnerd666</username> <id>5271</id> </contributor>\[/code\]it lacks the marker of composer for all scores... it's a pity !So I want to know if it is possible to make a requests SPARQL on the "wiki" IMSLP ?because I didn't find the URI from resources, there are much URL for example "" but where is the URI from IMSLP ?