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I've been battling this a few hours. The text in this span is mysteriously aligned to the top of the span. Here is a screenshot from Firebug:
And here are my related CSS blocks:\[code\].skills { overflow:hidden; height:100%;}.skills li{ border-bottom:1px dotted black; position:relative; width:200px; height:18px; margin-left:13px;}.skills li span{ display:inline-block; position:relative; background:white; bottom:0px; height:100%; padding:0 5px; }\[/code\]Here is the HTML:\[code\]<h4 class="main-heading"><span>Data Exchange</span></h4><ul class="skills"> <li> <span>SOAP/Axis2</h4> </li></ul>\[/code\]Can you tell why this is aligned to the top? I want it in the center.And here is the jsFiddle, where the same code results it in text being in the center. Does that mean that CSS elements higher in the hierarchy may be causing it?