Spammers On Ipb 1.3


Hey everyone<br /><br />Recently after realising my sites prominent position in the google search results for a certain search string I have been getting tonnes of spammers signing up to my forum and posting threads about porn, sexual aids, blah blah blah!<br /><br />Its getting bloody tiresome sifting through the crap and suspending all the accounts and what not.<br /><br />I was wondering whether any of you knew any ways to help stop spammers.<br /><br />I use IPB 1.3... I have email validation and random number image generation upon registration. Which leads me to think its not spam bots but actual people who are doing this.<br /><br />Is there anyway so that the first 5 or so posts on IPB 1.3 are moderated by an admin or moderator? So this way we can minimise the amount of 1 post wonders who spam the forum?<br /><br />Any help would be greatly appreciated. At this time I am unable to upgrade my IPB to either SMF or a newer IPB version.<!--content-->
Unfortunately IPB 1.3 hasn't been actively developed for quite a few years, so there's not a lot of people writing hacks/mods for it anymore. Spamming wasn't nearly as big of an issue back then as it is now, either.<br /><br />You might want to check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and see if you can find anything useful there, though.<!--content-->
thanks for the response mikeM<br /><br />invisionize is a good site Iv used for ages for mods etc luckily I stumbled across someone else who had the same issue on invisionize and I have now (i hope) got a way around the spamming issue<br /><br /><br />I have created a new member group called "full members" and the old [default] "member" group i have renamed to "moderated-members" <br /><br />So now automatically validated members go into the moderated members user group... I have added a promotion to the full members group after 5 posts... <br /><br />Then in sources/Post.php<br /><br />Above:<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->//--------------------------------------<br />// Does this member have mod_posts enabled?<br />//--------------------------------------<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />I added:<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->//Bot trap<br />if ( $ibforums->member['mgroup'] == 3 )<br />{<br />$this->obj['moderate'] = 1;<br />}        <br />//end bot trap<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />Where "3" is the ID of my moderated-members group<br /><br />This causes the members in my moderated-members group to have their posts validated by an admin or moderator... then once they have 5 posts they get promoted to a full member<br /><br />This was with help from this post on invisionize:<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br /><br />Hope this helps out any other IPB spammees<br /><br />thanks again mikem<!--content-->
Thanks for the update OJB<!--content-->