Spam -what Is Going On? And A Question


I see that this forum has had some spammers, and have read that some other people have had some difficulty with spammers - well, so have I, and they actually take the time to get about 100 or so useless threads out before someone shoots an email to me about it so i can ban them and mass delete the threads (thank the lord for vbulletins mass deletion of posts by user). one person even takes the time to pm me with threats, people are so nice arent they. perhaps they all have a pact to attack at once.<br /><br />and one more concern, which is why i came here. when checking my account through cpanel, i noticed that someone had placed another forums logo into my account - which really wierded me out, and im not quite sure how that could be done. i should have taken a screen shot of it, because i only confused the poor person on the live support system here trying to explain to them what happened. what i did manage to do before deleting it, is save the file onto my hard drive. i dont know how, or who, or whatever did this, or even how it was accomplished, but to be safe i changed all my passwords. what it looks like happened, is they just saved the other forums logo to match the name of the image file of one of my logos, and then just replaced it. its really tough to get me angry, but man, when i discovered that, you couldnt even begin to imagine the confusion, then pure anger i felt.<br /><br />i have one other person (a mod), that has access to an ftp that i set up for them, but i believe they should only have access to a very limited amount. i also trust this person, so i believe them when they tell me they have no idea what im talking about it.<br /><br />could there be a rational explination for this, or has someone cracked my password (which has since been changed)? any ideas?<br /><br />one more interesting note, the forum logo was the logo from the notorious spammers home forum so to speak - the one that pm's me threats. coincidence? <br /><br />unfiortunately he has a dynamic ip so i cant do much, and i refuse to ban everyone from verizon because of him. but i will change my password ALL the time from now on just in case.<!--content-->
Sounds like you've done pretty much all you can do for the time being (at least what I would do!). I would recommend watching your logs carefully for the next few days to see if your spammer comes back.<!--content-->
The only other suggestion I can think to offer is make sure you have installed all the security patches for your vBulletin board.<br /><br />I am a member on a vBulletin board too and they have been hacked several times in the past year.<!--content-->